CUSTOM FRAMING ORDERS were taken all the way up until the 17th. After the deadline passed the wall was cleared, the corners were put into carts, and the custom frame samples were moved to the front to be sold.

It was strange to see the wall completely empty. Up until the past year I was one of two people that was responsible for the custom frame wall reset. There were two resets every year, one in the Fall and the other in the Spring. Me, along with either the manager or assistant manager would arrive at the store on a early Monday morning, blurry-eyed and half-asleep, we would take down all the frame corners, relabel them, and put them back up in their new arrangement.  

The wall had been cleared the night before, so I wasn't part of the take down. Which was kind of a shame, after doing so many resets over the years, it would’ve been nice to be part of taking the wall down for one last time.

ABOVE. FRAME THE THINGS YOU LOVE. Custom framing banner with custom frame samples. Shot with 23mm lens at f5.6, 1/300s, ISO 2000.


TOP. Close up shot of custom frame samples on shelf. Customers would often ask if they could buy the artwork, but since they were our samples we had to tell them that they weren't for sale (with a few rare exceptions). Once the samples were taken down and moved to the front they were sold for a small fraction of the price they normally would have cost. BOTTOM LEFT. Emily had the honor of being the last employee of the month posted on the board. Although her time with us was brief, she was a great addition to the team and we were sad to see her go. Now she is somewhere in New York becoming a famous artist. BOTTOM RIGHT. Custom wall. Over a 150 styles to choose from.



CUSTOM FRAMING WALL TRANSITION SLIDESHOW. Progression of custom framing wall weeks 3 to 5. Shot with 18-135mm and 23mm lenses.




CORNERED. Close up shot of frame corners piled in the carts. Shot with 35mm lens at f2, 1/170s, ISO 1600.



LEFT. 1 of 3 carts that were filled with custom frame corners. TOP RIGHT. Frame corners in carts after the custom wall had been cleared. BOTTOM RIGHT. Nohemy calling customers to remind them to pick up their artwork before the store closes.



BARE. Custom frame wall during week 3 after all the frame corners were removed. Shot with 35mm lens at f2, 1/1100s, ISO 1600.



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