NEW YORK, 2004. I've been playing around with film for the past year, but haven't really posted anything (with the exception of the cosplay sets). What better way then to start with a 35mm roll of Fujifilm Fujicolor that had been sitting in the camera for over a decade? I shot the roll during our family trip to New York City in 2004 with my Dad's Minolta 7000 and a 50mm f1.7 lens. Back then I had no photographic inclinations whatsoever, it's actually a small wonder that I brought the camera in the first place.
Being our first visit to New York Despite being super touristy, it really was a great way to see the city. We didn’t have to worry about cabfare or dealing with the subway and the bus’ open top offered a unique perspective.
With such an old roll I had been holding off on developing it, but I finally bit the bullet and sent it to the lab with my fingers crossed.
Much to my surprise, my fears were unfounded and time seemed to have no detrimental effects on the exposures. My eye for composition has been refined a bit since then, so most of the images have been cropped. Other then the crop the exposures are untouched.
EQUIPMENT USED: Minolta 7000 with 50mm f1.7 lens and Fujifilm Fujicolor 200 rated at box speed. Developed and scanned by @thedarkroomlab.