DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE. The shops are closed and the streets are quiet and empty. A foreshadowed norm. But not yet, today the nation is still blissfully unware of what the coming months will bring. 

Family and friends are gathering. Smiles can be seen. There are hugs and kisses and warm embraces. There is no worry, no fear. A cough is just a cough. Social distancing is not a thing. It’s Thanksgiving Day.

Tension levels are high at the house. Over the years I’ve learned any offered aid in the kitchen is often more of a hinderance then help and causes even more stress. So I escape downtown for a short outing with my camera. 

It’s a beautiful day. The sky is clear, the air crisp. A brief respite from the rain from the day before. There are clouds on the distant horizon, but I’m not worried. There is plenty of time. I have no plan, I just want to enjoy being out. I follow the light. 

As the day progresses foreboding clouds move in. I increase my pace, my eyes search with a new urgency. I check my frame counter; three frames left. There is plenty of time. 

The sky darkens, a chilled wind picks up.
I take my last shot just as I feel the first raindrop.

Downtown San Jose, November 2017
Taken with a Yashica Mat 124 and Lomography ColorNeg 400


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found in NOW+THEN ZINE