Mid or full black and white shot of swan with back to camera. ALT. Facing camera but with head or eyes cast downwards. ALT 2. Swan with back to camera but she has her head turned to look at camera. Title page opposite of image.
Nature black and white shot paired with first part of poem.
Wide black and white shot of swan lying on ground.NOTE: Before moving on to next board, shoot rising and returning sequence to keep framing the same.
Paired black and white nature shots.
Horizontal tight black and white shot of swan. Eyes and mouth closed. Neutral expression. Fill frame. Make sure to allow for both hands to be in shot. Play around with different poses. (Shoot both this shot and the shot from panel 20 with the swan holding tbd object).
Paired tight shot headshot. In the first frame the swan’s eyes are closed (shot in black and white). In the second frame her eyes open and mouths parts (but not smiling (she will be smiling in panel 21). For the second shot use color version? (See next panel for alternate black and white transition)
Multi-panel sequence of swan rising from body and walking towards camera. Her rising form starts semi-transparent and becomes more solid as the sequence progresses. ALT black and white transition: Begin the sequence in black and white and then became more saturated with color as the frames progress. NOTE: Shoot sequence of swan returning to her body to keep same framing (see panel 19).
Paired full body or mid with headshot. INSERT editorial/fashion segment with a variety of mid/full/head/detail/nature shots.
Wide angle nature shot of some kind of body of water.
Paired full body or mid with headshot. INSERT editorial/fashion segment with a variety of mid/full/head/detail/nature shots.
Paired shot. First frame has tight midshot of swan in reeds. Second frame has tight shot of reeds. Can be reversed.
Paired shot of nature or swan shot paired with poem.
Wide angle shot of swan dancing/in motion across the frame. Combine in post.
Paired nature shots. One large and one small.
Paired swan in motion shots.
Swan finds tbd object. INSERT second fashion editorial section with tbd object.
Paired nature shot with poem.
Paired shot. First one is a wide angle shot of swan standing in front of body of water with her back to the camera. Second frame is a tight head and shoulder shot of the swan turning her head to look at camera. A sad/forlorn/bittersweet expression on her face (she knows her time is near).
Wide angle nature shot.
Multi-sequence of swan returning to her body. Transition back to black and white?
Tight shot of swan on the ground now with tbd object. Neutral expression with eyes closed. Compose similar to panel 5 but with slightly different pose.
Tight shot of swan with her eyes closed and a slight smile on her face, paired with last lines of poem.
Wide angle nature shot.