Welcome! The Cosplayer Annual is a bi-yearly digital + print zine featuring cosplayers from Bay Area cons.

This is a non-profit just for fun project of mine created to showcase the passion and craft that goes into cosplay.

All photography and design is done by me (@b.nishimoto).

Cosplayers who signup to participate will have 8 pages dedicated to their cosplay.

A standard Annual section will consist of the following:


• 1 spread for written content about your cosplay and a mid length shot

• 1 spread for a full length and headshot

• 1 spread for two costume detail shots

• 1 spread for the your bio/cosplay history and another mid or headshot

(Each spread consists of two pages. Format may vary slightly
depending on the final images I have to work with)


(example of spreads for a standard Annual shoot)


FEATURED COSPLAYER: Longer format shoot containing additional spreads and character quotes. These are prearranged and usually with cosplayers I have shot with several times before.

GENERAL GALLERY: A new section that will be added to the DIGITAL version of the Annual (tbd for the print version depending on available space). This will consist of cosplayers I come across on the con floor and shooter’s alley. This will also contain photos from the cosplayers that participate in the project but do not submit their written content.



Coming soon (will be announced through group DM shortly after CRX announces the scheduling and gatherings).


Outside the front of the convention center (to the right of the entrance when facing it) down at the alcove corner below next to the large grassy steps where they have the large Fanime gatherings.

If the shooting location is occupied I will DM you at least 10 minutes prior to the shoot with a new location.


• Please have your poses prepared ahead of time. I may make a suggestion here or there, but in most cases you will know the character better than I will. We will be shooting 3 sets of full length, mid length, and headshot poses. The more variation between the poses the more dynamic the spreads will be. Also think about a variety of expressions/emotions for your poses, just a simple shift of expression can change the whole vibe. Keep in mind all the shots will be vertical.

(If you struggle with poses, please let me know a few weeks in advance and I can come up with a few poses to work off of).


The shoot style is minimal/studio with natural light. The con walls will be used as a simple backdrop to highlight your cosplay and pose. Shoot length will range from 15-20 minutes (although I’ve allowed for 30 min for a little breathing room). It’ll go as follows:

• a quick warm up exercise to loosen up

• 1 set of full length, mid length, and headshots

• Detail shots (either details of the cosplay or make-up)

• 2 more sets of full length, mid length, and headshots

Feel free to bring a friend or handler to the shoot. A second eye is always welcomed!

I’m fully vaccinated and boosted but for your safety and comfort I’ll be wearing a mask by default. If you’re okay with me not wearing a mask please let me know. I’m fine either way!

Often times shoots are back to back, one shoot that is late can throw off the whole day, so as a courtesy to other participating cosplayers please let me know if you’re running late (longer than 10 minutes) and we can re-schedule.


WRITTEN CONTENT: The written content portion consists of a write-up on your cosplay and your cosplay bio.

The write up on your cosplay is your chance to tell the viewers about your cosplay (ig. the process of creating the cosplay, favorite part about the cosplay, what drew you to the character, etc)

The bio is for your cosplay history: how long you’ve been cosplaying, what got you into cosplay, future cosplay plans etc.

See previous Annuals for examples.

DUE DATE FOR WRITTEN CONTENT: The written content on your cosplay and bio will be due by the end of August. A reminder will be sent out two weeks prior to the deadline.

If you are unable to submit your written content in time, no worries, I know life happens. You will still be included in the Annual, one or two photos from your set will be included in the General Gallery.

PHOTOS: Upon completion of processing your set a selection of the photos will be posted on @thecosplayerannual (and my main account @b.nishimoto at a later date).

The photos will be available to download via a google drive link and are yours to use and share for any non-commercial purposes.

DIGITAL & PRINT ZINE: Once all the written content is received the Annual will go into production. This is a one man team, so it will take me a few months to put everything together. My goal is to have it ready to go to the printer by the end of August.

Once the spreads have been designed and completed they will be posted on @thecosplayerannual and on my website.

PRINT VERSION: The print version will be available for purchase from The estimated price will range from $40-45 (depending on how many total pages, the last annual was 200 pages and cost $41.99). This a non-profit project so the pricing is for the print cost only, no additional cost is added.

Please note, due to printer’s total page cap of 240 pages, depending on how many participants there are, there may not be enough room to include everyone. If you plan to purchase the zine there will be a preview, but you can also contact me via dm inquiring whether or not you’re included in the print version.

DIGITAL VERSION: The digital version will be free and available in the form of a pdf file via a google drive link. All participants will be included.


For some of you this will be our first time shooting together so I thought it would be a good idea to put a face to this account and introduce myself.

I've been going to local San Jose cons since 2017. Over the years I've come to know about all the hard work and craft that goes into the creation of a costume. My background in art (watercolor illustration) has given me a great appreciation for that craftsmanship. Being able to bring something to life and wear it always amazes me (trying to create something on just paper is hard enough for me!). Then to go to these cons and wear your art and put yourself out there; I have a great respect and admiration for the courage that takes.

I am by no means a pro cosplayer photographer. Cosplay photography (and photography in general), has always been just for fun. It's sort of my creative outlet to my creative outlet. My shooting style is pretty straightforward and minimalistic with simple backdrops. I don't use any additional equipment, just me and my camera. With my editing I try to keep things looking as natural as possible.

Projects like the Annual are my attempt to try to capture and showcase the art and craft of cosplay. Welcome and thank you for joining me on this endeavor!



Questions? Contact me at or DM @thecosplayerannual